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When I chat about quantum manifestation - or anyone online for that matter - inevitably comes this question after. But HOW do you do it?

I remember doing my first research over manifesting and I kept coming across the terms "quantum leap" and "quantum jump" thinking WTF. Almost no where online could I find teachings about this mysterious quantum manifesting situation. Pretty sure all I found were a couple blog posts about your higher self, which is important, but at my core I KNEW there was more to that. 

Therefore, I took it upon myself to figure it the eff out. Because if I had questions, other people had questions too. I started by doing research around what quantum really means and combining that with prior knowledge of manifesting.

I learned some science. I learned some woo woo techniques that seemed to align with the quantum stuff. And next thing I knew, I had cracked the code.

There are REASONS why things come easily to some people. There is SCIENCE behind why Stephanie from your 7th grade math class has 100k followers on Instagram and is partying on a yacht with her bikini model friends. There are RITUALS to tie it all together to bring you money and opportunities and travel much much quicker than you're guessing. 

Enter the quantum realm baby. 

This is info I've kind of kept to myself for a while. I teach about the quantum a bit in my signature program and I talk about it here and there on the podcast - but nothing as high level as I'm about to tell you.


My 4 week course of universal science for manifestation, magnetizing your desires, understanding the quantum and so much more. 

+ 4 weeks of trainings for you to watch/ listen to over quantum physics, mechanics, your intuitive 2nd brain and manifestation

+ FB group full of the other quantum babes!

+ Quantum Fucking Leaping Pre-Work: Your Daily Ritual

+ Weekly quantum meditation

+ Millionaire Quantum Codes EFT tapping

If you're looking to call your manifestations into your life QUICKLY but find yourself constantly doubting the process - Quantum Increase + Expansion will be a GAME CHANGER. 

When you know the science, the experiments, the cold hard facts, you can't deny the magic this universe supplies for us. 

You can finally lean into your spiritual beliefs knowing that you meditating and chanting goddess mantras isn't complete bullshit. 

And you'll be able to release the pressure of the HOW when you put the universal laws to WORKKKK! 

I've never done such a high level training. We're diving into the science and then the spiritual. Think protons and positive affirmations lol.